Once mosquitoes are inside, it seems nearly impossible to get them out. Getting rid of mosquitoes inside of your home, office, or anywhere indoors requires a different approach than outside. Mosquitoes are attracted to lights, heat, and carbon dioxide humans emit, therefore they have no issue flying inside to find someone to bite.
Along with their aggravating bites, they are known to carry diseases such as the Zika Virus, Triple E (EEE), La Crosse Virus, West Nile Virus, Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, and more.
Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes indoors without hiring a pest control company:
Screens and Doors

According to some, mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide up to 38 yards away, meaning they can easily find hosts indoors. If doors and windows are open, mosquitoes will take that as an invitation to come in. As you begin your indoor mosquito control, the first areas to focus on are screens and doors. Mosquitoes make their way into your home through open and cracked doors, broken screens, and open windows. Patch up any cracks, replace broken screens, and be vigilant about keeping doors closed.
Common Areas Inside

Mosquitoes love to rest in dark, humid areas and once they are indoors, they will congregate in these environments. If you have a mosquito problem indoors and don’t know where they are, pay close attention to these areas:
Sinks: Mosquitoes can be found hanging out under sinks because of their moisture and discreetness.
Laundry Room: The laundry room is an area of the house that collects significant moisture.
Bathroom: Unsurprisingly, mosquitoes love to hide out in steamy, moist bathroom environments.
Closets: Closets are dark and provide the perfect hiding spot for mosquitoes.
Under furniture: Most often, mosquitoes fly very low to the ground to stay hidden and to avoid too much breeze. Under furniture is a great place for them to hideout.
If you have a significant mosquito issue inside, that means there is definitely a problem outdoors. The larger outdoor area you have, the more likely it is that mosquitoes will find their way indoors. These pests hideout and breed near standing water and moist areas such as gutters, puddles, and foliage. Inspect the perimeter of your home and around your yard for mosquito breeding grounds and rest areas. Learn more about how you can get rid of mosquitoes in your yard here.
Once you have patched up any cracks and cleaned out common areas, the next step is to spray the indoor area with a mosquito pesticide. The quickest and most efficient way to do so is with a battery-powered chemical sprayer. Be sure to choose a pesticide that is safe to spray indoors. Keep valuable and delicate items stored away, along with food and drinks. Get more spraying tips for pest treatment and prevention here. After spraying, try to stay out of the area for a few hours to let the pesticides dry.
Do-it-yourself treatment options for eliminating mosquitoes indoors is not difficult as long as you have the right strategy and supplies.