A New Era For Energy
We are taking action on reducing Tomahawk’s emissions.
What does the word “sustainable” mean to us? It reaches beyond the products we create. It starts with us, the Tomahawk Team. This is a defining time for the generations to come. As our customers build for the future, we are doing the same - with Tomahawk’s new sustainable solutions for one of the most energy-demanding industries in the world.

Product Development
In the process of building equipment to send off to our customers, we are using more efficient practices that benefit our environment:
● Transitioning from gas-powered tools to battery-powered equipment
○ Our goal is to have a battery powered and/or electric options within each product line by 2023.
○ By 2025, we will have battery-powered and/or electric options for all products.
● Green packaging promise
○ We are committed to switching out plastic materials in our packaging to recycled paper, without sacrificing quality and product safety.
● Using materials that are kind to our environment.
○ In order to create less waste, we are rightsizing the packaging our products come in for more efficient truckloads.
Working Cleaner
Ship Green
● Look for Ship Green shipping options to save yourself money and help reduce carbon emissions up to 40%!
● Ship Green orders still arrive safely and eliminate the environmental repercussions of remanufacturing and reshipping!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
● By transitioning the order fulfilment process to thermal printing, we are able to reduce our paper consumption by 60%.
● From returned cardboard boxes to paper documentation, materials are reused as packaging to safely ship your equipment nationwide.
● Our team pledges to replace operational technologies that run on combustion from vehicles to natural gas heating and cooling.

Company Culture
The waste created from operations and product development begins with us, the Tomahawk team. This is what we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint in the warehouse and in our office:
Electricity Usage
● All lights in the warehouse and office are powered by LED bulbs.
● Unnecessary outlet usage is avoided by unplugging any chargers or other plug-ins from outlets that do not need to be used at that time.
In The Office
● We have switched from single-use plastic materials in the kitchen to reusable plates, cups, and silverware.
● We have provided our team with reusable water bottles and thermos' in order to eliminate purchasing single-use plastic bottles.

● Recycling bins are placed in every room in the office, kitchen, and warehouse.
Company Events
● Throughout the year, Tomahawk hosts several community focused events including beach clean-ups, habitat restoration, and other volunteer-work to help our community reach its environmental goals.