
What Backpack Sprayer Do I Need?
Sprayers and foggers are essential tools for gardeners, farmers, and pest control professionals. They are used to apply herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides to crops, plants, and lawns. However, there are different types of sprayers and foggers available, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this blog, we will discuss the different uses for battery operated sprayers, gas backpack sprayers, manual sprayers, skid sprayers, and backpack foggers.

How to Attach a Handle Press Shut-off Valve Trigger for the TPS25 Backpack Sprayer
If you are looking for more versatility for your backpack sprayer, you can swap out the standard valve handle for a Handle Press Shut-off Valve. Great for single hand spraying, use this comfortable handle for greater range of motion when spraying your landscape.