Spring Pest Control Tips

Spring is finally here! Now that spring is here and we're starting to see more bugs around, it's important to remember how to keep them away. Going outside can be a lot of fun, but if you want to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes or having your flower garden destroyed by caterpillars, there are some things you should know! Here are some tips for keeping your family safe and healthy this season:

Start the season early

Spring is the best time to get rid of pests. This is because many pests are looking for warmer climates at this time of year, and if they find one that's not ideal for them, they'll move on. Ants are one of the most common spring pests you might encounter, but with these tips, you can keep your property pest-free this spring!

Start by checking your home for any cracks or holes in exterior walls or foundations that may allow ants access into your property. Be sure to treat these areas as soon as possible so that ants don't start nesting inside your home during winter months.

Once inside your home, make sure there aren't any food sources available in cupboards or pantries where they can hide out until warmer weather hits again next year! Make sure pantry items like cereal boxes have been tightly sealed since last summer; otherwise, those pesky pests could be hiding out inside waiting until it gets warm enough outside again so they can come back outside and cause trouble again next year when we think everything has been taken care of already!


Image by: Tomahawk Power


Choosing the right tool for applying pesticides is important because it can make all the difference in your ability to control pests. Sprayers are by far the most effective way to apply pesticides, but they need to be carefully chosen and used. Here's what you should look for:

  • Select a sprayer with good coverage. This means that you'll have no problem applying pesticide in even hard-to-reach places like under bushes or overhanging branches. Most professional pest control companies use backpack sprayers because they give them maximum flexibility and mobility—a great choice if you're tackling large areas on your own property, or for any kind of professional application.
  • Choose a model with enough capacity for your needs; look at the size of tank (or tanks) and how much water each holds, then compare those numbers against the area you need treated before making your final decision; generally speaking, bigger tanks mean less frequent refills during longer jobs but also greater weight when full (backpack sprayers come in various sizes too—the larger ones tend toward being heavier).

Don’t skimp on dilution ratio or amount of product used.

While you may be tempted to skimp on the product, it is important to note that dilution ratio is just as important for pest control. A proper dilution ratio means that your pesticide will be effective enough to kill pests but not so strong that it could harm your plants or pets. In addition to the ratio, you should also be aware of how much product you are using. Make sure that if you are treating a large area (such as an entire yard), use multiple gallons of water—or whatever amount of water will be required based on what is instructed in the product’s instructions.

Be consistent with pest control applications.

No matter which product you choose, you should be consistent with your pest control applications. You don't want to overuse a product or apply it at the wrong time of year. For example, if you're using a liquid insecticide, make sure it's not too early in spring because this could mean that there aren't a lot of insects around yet. And if it's too late in spring and there are already lots of insects out, then applying more pesticides won't do much good anyway.

Now that you know how to prevent the pests that come with spring you can enjoy the warmer weather and your yards. Let's celebrate by making sure our homes are pest-free. Pests are always a problem in the warmer months, but they can be especially damaging when combined with an active Spring Garden. The good news is that there are ways to prevent invaders from getting inside your home with these tips.



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